Friday, November 8, 2013

I am alive, honest!

Sorry again folks, it been a bit quiet on the crafting front as I have discovered my new passion, Watercolour painting.  Something else I enjoy but pretty much suck at.  Who cares though, I get to play with paint and call myself an artist!  I'll post some pics over the weekend of my creations.

For proper crafty related material I need to give myself a to do list.  First up is learn how to take up hems on curtains.  Our living room curtains are far too long and when I tried doing something like this before I made a right hash of it so I need to learn how to do this properly.

This is followed by taking up the hem on my wedding dress, something I wanted to do before the wedding but now I want to do it with an aim of being to wear it with other accessories.

In the knitting/sewing related category I need to sew buttons onto the cardigan I knitted for my friends son due in 8 weeks time and sew a little hat too.

I also have a tonne of yarn I just know I won't use so looking to sell some of it or give it to charity shops unless I can come up with a knitting to do list...if you're not on the list you're not getting knitted!

I did however manage to make a giant pom pom pumpkin for Halloween using orange yarn and some glow in the dark yarn I bought a million years ago on ebay.  I quite like him and he can come out to play every year, maybe next year I'll get around to making him some friends.

I've also been reading and listening to a lot of books lately...audiobooks, not just holding a novel to my ear...but haven't got through them either, specifically The Casual Vacancy or re-reading Salems Lot.  I went a bit Stephen King crazy after Doctor Sleep then Kindle Daily Deals gave me a load of King novels for £1.50, and I find it hard to knit and read at the same time.

So hence the to do list as even I am starting to lose track of what needs to be done.  Think I need to clear the decks a bit and get organised.  Oh and I have taken up running again, 3 times a week come rain, snow or shine.  Maybe I need to invent a running merged crafting sport although it already sounds dangerous!

Until next time...